Eye of the Storm

Holy crap, it’s almost over and I couldn’t be more excited.

Can it be true?

No, not Hurricane Sandy, the 2012 Presidential Election. Though I’d forgive you for guessing otherwise; both have been a pretty massive shitstorm of record-breaking proportions. But one shitstorm is enough, thank you very much, and now all that’s left to do is sit through one more Big One (that is, tomorrow, being Election Day), followed by a couple days worth of minor shitstorms of half the country being sore losers (and the other half being sore winners). I’m not really sure what I’m getting at, but I drew this last night, so I have to tie this to Hurricane Sandy somehow:

And then New York is all like, “I CAN’T EVEN” because apparently it’s an alternate universe where everyone talks like it’s the Internet all the time.

Oh, don’t get me wrong. I’m not anti-politics. Or anti-really anything. If I’m anti-anything, it’s that I’m anti-people-who-are-anti-everyone-who-doesn’t-agree-with-them-who-insist-on-covering-social-media-with-their-anti-opinions-pretty-much-all-the-time. But that’s also been covered to death; overzealous social media pundits have been a pretty big target this cycle as well. And I’ve gotten such an earful of political memes that if I hear the word “binders” one more time I’m swearing off physical media all together. But at least I’m not alone!

And after hearing that, I decided that Bronco Bamma is something that could definitely benefit from my crude drawing styles. So I made this, and then made a post to go with it. And since the election is tomorrow, it pretty much had to be timely, so I got off my ass and made a post. That’s how you defeat procrastination!

It’s the fight of the century! Except it’s not; it’s just another case of comparing a presidential election to a title fight! Where’s Don King when you need him? Only in America!

But, no matter who wins, life will go on. Red states will stay red, blue states will stay blue, we’ll still be stuck with only two parties (don’t blame me, I’m voting for Kodos Johnson), and people will use social media to make sure everyone knows their politics. Even if your guy doesn’t win, the world won’t end (and even if it does, at least we’ll have a nice soundtrack to the end of the world).

I guess what I’m trying to say is, if we can survive one shitstorm, we can survive another.

Hi Sandy!

Edit below: changed the date for the award show due to the hurricane! It’s now on November 15, same place!

This is exciting stuff, guys. I’d say it was very exciting television, if I were on television. But sadly, The Once and Future Coffee Addict isn’t a television show (yet), so this is simply going to be a very exciting blog post. You see, right now, Hurricane Sandy is totally sending New York into the closest thing it has to “oh shit” mode. And I’m here on the front lines (actually in Bed-Stuy, which for once is one of the safest places you can be in New York) bravely writing a blog post. Anything could happen! The power could go out, or even worse the unthinkable could happen and the INTERNET could go out. It already happened for a few terrifying minutes, and without snarky Twitter commentary on the storm, how do I know the world isn’t ending RIGHT AROUND ME?

Pictured above: the world totally ending

But, my sanity was preserved, and the internet came back on in time to hear Mayor Bloomberg’s reassuring garbled Spanish. And I can bring you my slightly-caffeinated-slightly-toasty blog post, brought to you by coffee mixed with chocolate liqueur. Because when it comes to natural disasters, no one prepares quite like New Yorkers. And by that I mean we just buy out the entire Trader Joe’s wine supply. And have wine and cheese and crackers and watch the entire run of Buffy on DVD. And when I went to the store, all the fancy crackers were gone, and I had to get SALTINES. I mean what kind of natural disaster is this where we can’t get nice crackers? So really, all Hurricane Sandy is doing is making us really aware of our #firstworldproblems.

Since there hasn’t really been much to do since being quarantined here by the subway shutdown, I’ve been live tweeting the whole experience, so you can follow me on Twitter for more social media gems like:

and also the harrowing tale of our journey to the deli, complete with pictures of me dressed in a weird hurricane getup (spoiler: we totally got orange juice and everything went better than expected).

Anyway, there ‘s more stuff going on than just some wine-supply-depleting storm having its way with New York. Remember that time I got to showcase a short film with RAW Brooklyn? Well, as it turns out, they nominated me for a RAWard (nice portmanteau there) and you, dear readers, are totally invited! Here are the details:

Brooklyn RAWards Semi-Finals

November 8 EDIT: Rescheduled for November 15! 8 pm (the film screening’s near the beginning, so get there early!)

Littlefield, 622 Degraw Street, Brooklyn, NY

Tickets are $15 online, or $20 at the door.

Anyway, if you need an incentive, know that I actually have a pretty good chance of winning, since there are only two other film nominees, and the more people I get to come, the more votes I’ll get. And also if you come, you’ll get to see this awesome video I shot for Agent Ribbons! Plus more surprises.

So, there’s your incentive. After you survive the hurricane, come for a night of film and cupcakes. There’s totally going to be cupcakes.